We can put a tree without giving it much importance or having a decorative element, we are clear that a tree can become a sculpture, a style of art that will transmit peace, sophistication, decoration... It all depends on the design of our tree and the container in which we have it.

Take your time to decide the type of pot that is ideal for you and the style you are looking for. The first thing to consider is the manufacturing material. Let's see a classification:

  • Terracotta

Ceramic or clay pots can be classic, classic painted, with modern or fun designs. In the photo of the example we can see a ceramic pot with a barrel shape and design. Now there are incredible designs for any type of decoration waiting to be found. 

They are usually the most expensive, but they have the advantage that they protect the roots of our trees very effectively. During the summer, when they are humid, they protect the earth from getting too hot that could be dangerous for the roots of our tree and in winter they protect the drop in temperature better than plastic ones. 

Their disadvantages are that they are heavier than plastic ones, they can get damaged or ugly if they are not glazed or enameled and, as we said before, they tend to be more expensive.

  • Plastic and derivatives

Generally and with few exceptions they are the lightest and most economical. You can find them in a multitude of sizes, shapes and designs at a very reasonable price. 

In the example photo, we find a model of a plastic pot imitating a decorative clay pot. The pot also includes a small air chamber inside that isolates the plants and even helps it to appear as thick as a real terracotta pot. 

Its disadvantage is that they protect very poorly from heat or cold except for those models that include an air chamber or insulation inside to protect our plants. Those that are of quality plastic types or with a very modern design can be more expensive than ceramic ones.

  • Stone, concrete and the like

If you don't have to worry about the weight or moving the plants, these pots are perfect for you. You can find classic, modern, strange designs... There are many types of pots within this category that adapt to any type of decoration. 

Also, if you don't find one to your liking, you can always design your own model by creating small molds with which, after filling with fresh cement mass, you will get a unique pot. 

They are the most resistant of all, protecting trees in a similar way to ceramic ones, but prepared to last a lifetime. 

The disadvantages are those that have a higher price and also a very large weight, only being recommended for placing in a patio or garden.


Once the classification is known, before choosing your pot, you just have to take these details into account:

  1. A tree is used to living in the ground, although it can adapt to living in a pot.
  2. It is advisable to put a slightly larger pot every 2 or 3 years or in the case of being the final one, remove the tree every 3-4 years and trim the roots a little depending on the size to prevent them from becoming entangled and ending up. suffocating the tree with the same technique as for any other plant on our terrace.
  3. If the tree was planted from a young age in a large pot, it will not be necessary to cut the roots until it has had a crown of at least the size of our pot for 2-3 years, since the roots usually have the same distance as the crown.

The ideal is to use a pot of 30 to 50 cm in diameter with a similar height, for trees of 1.5-2 meters, however, everything will depend on the maximum size that we want to give the tree, being able to keep them in much smaller pots if they are trees of small size. 

We remind you once again that you have to take into account the maximum weight that the slab of our terrace (or room if it is indoors) can bear and the total weight that the pot can reach with the moist soil and the tree with fruit. Consult the administrator, the president of the building or an architect if the figures are unknown. We cannot advise you on your particular case.