You have already selected the variety of tree you want to use. Now we are going to see how we are going to place it and the maximum size that we can allow it to have.

The first thing you should take into account is the ability of the slab to support the weight and municipal regulations.

  1. We advise everyone to first consult the regulations of our building, city and territory to make sure that it is legal to have a tree on our terrace. In another case, we can consider keeping it indoors if we have a sunny and/or bright place to place it (also calculating the capacity of the slab).
  2. Once the regulations have been consulted, it is important to know the maximum weight that our terrace can bear and how it should be distributed: It is not the same for our terrace or balcony to hold 500 kg distributed throughout the entire surface than in a piece of 50 cm x 50 cm (or the surface that our pot has). For this, we advise you to ask the president of the neighborhood community if he knows these figures, the builder or an architect. 

We remind you that you must take into account the weight of the pot, the moist soil, the tree and the possible fruits when you make the calculation. 

Having clarified the issue of regulations and the maximum weight that we can put in our pot, we must also make sure that neither the tree nor its fruits can fall onto public roads due to a gust of air or gravity itself. 

We recommend attaching the tree to the wall of the façade and having a mesh, lattice or similar that does not allow the fruits, branches or the tree itself to fall out of it if the case could occur, for example, with a blow of wind. 

The regulations and security measures that you are going to take are in your hands since you will be responsible for any possible non-compliance or danger that you could generate.  Let's recap: We have chosen our tree, taken into account the regulations, security measures and we have chosen training pruning.  Now we have to choose how we want to get our tree:

This technique is very rewarding for some and frustrating for others. 

If you do not have patience, we do not recommend it, since it requires planting a seed that will take several years to grow until it reaches the desired shape. 

Also, in the case of fruit trees, the tree does not have to have the same characteristics as the fruit from which you took the seed. 

If you love gardening, you have patience and you don't mind spending years until you can collect fruit in the case of fruit trees (it can take more than 10 years depending on the variety if it is not grafted), this will allow you to completely shape the tree to your liking. from birth and if you want you can graft it later. 

Perfect for exotic varieties in your area that are hard to find or create bonsai.

  • From cutting

Some trees allow you to take a cutting from which a new tree identical to its father will emerge. 

Broadly speaking, you just have to cut the end of a branch with at least 3-5 buds (with permission from the owner) to plant it in the ground or leave it in water until it takes root and then plant it in the ground (depends on the tree). 

As each variety of tree is different, we recommend consulting the recommendations to make a cutting of the desired variety. Size, whether to use hardwood or new shoots, and the best time of year.

  • Air layering

It consists of making a small longitudinal cut in a branch and wrapping the cut piece with moistened soil, holding it with a plastic bag, creating a ball filled with soil in the socket as a pot. 

This "pot" should have moist soil and be kept as if it were another plant. After a few months, this branch will take root and can be cut from its mother to be planted as a new tree.

Currently molds are sold that allow this technique to be carried out much more easily. For those who love to reuse everything that falls into their hands, we inform you that it is possible to use a bottle or a plastic cup that is filled with earth in the same way that it is done with the bag. 

It is important to carry out the air layering in a period away from possible frosts and the winter vegetative break to prevent the tree from suffering frostbite or an open wound disease.

  • Buy tree

In many stores and nurseries you will find ideal species to have a tree already formed, generally grafted with a good variety and that in a short time will be bearing fruit in the case of fruit trees.

The experts of the nurseries will be able to advise you better than anyone to solve your doubts in the case of having any.